Sunday, January 19, 2014

4-3-2-1 We have liftoff....I think?

When my wife was a kid she was fascinated by space. As a four year old she set her goals fairly high. She was going to be the first person on mars. She didnt take the mission lightly and started working on the project with all the feverish energy of a four year old. She built a spaceship, made maps of mars and packed food that would keep her alive on the journey there and back.  

On the day of the launch she assembled her family only to realize to her dismay that her space shuttle was too small. It was only about 50 cms high and there was no way she would be able to fit inside. The mission was aborted. My wife was devastated. With her heart broken she went to her room with her sandwiches and sulked.

The best recordingsessions are pretty much like this. You plan and build and make up grand plans how its all gonna work out. In your head there is no doubt. How far can it possibly be to Mars, right? There is no end to the potential in this recording. This one will change everything. That feeling is unbeatable. A lot of times you see the records being released and you have a noisy liftoff and you see how it soars in the sky and leaves the place where it was made. Other people see it and hear it. People might like it or hate it. The worst people have educated opinions..."Your spaceshuttle is great.....but".

And sometimes you end up alone in your room, tears rolling down your face with a package of sandwiches and a vehicle you cant even fit in.

Oddly enough I like both endings to the mission. 

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